Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

Reality Bites ... not so much

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry to say that 15-year old me would be disappointed in the following findings. My generation has turned from disillusioned slackers to overambitioned family people!

According to this study,
Generation X has "grown up to find out that reality doesn't bite as much it seemed". This is pretty funnny - but I'm not sure it matches our social reality. I'm torn between being glad about "our" positive world view that totally contradicts past notions of us being notoriously single, bad parents, and generally depressed, and finding it hard to fully identify with this. I too watched films like Reality Bites and Singles in my teens, and I pretty much always thought reality was a steaming heap of whatchamacallit. Right. What would our friends, the Constructivists think about this?

Isn't reality what we make it? I know the study doesn't go into detail about this at all because this is not its objective but I can't shake the feeling that the world view of some well-off Generation X-ers might not be representative of the general state of things. If we only look at their singled-out cases though, I guess it is. Sometimes it might be helpful to isolate a group of people from the general state of reality, as it was done with this study - so all social criticism aside, Generation X grew up to be awesome, balanced, and happy. I still don't buy the marriage thing, but hey, to each their own. It just goes to show that a social view of you does not create a social reality. So Generation X was said to be unambitioned and lazy - so? According to this study, we're all totally ambitioned. Maybe this generation has successfully escaped social expectations - or fulfilled them completely.
You decide.

P.S.: For those of you who are actually capable of reading studies,

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